
Pareto’s 80-20 Principle: Enhance Customer Experience with the Golden Rule

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80-20 rule, is a concept that can be effectively applied in various fields, including customer experience management. Let’s explore how to implement the Pareto Principle in customer experience management: History of the Pareto Principle The origins of the Pareto Principle date back to 1906 when Italian economist and
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Customer Experience vs Customer Success

In this article, we will examine the differences between customer experience, which takes place at every stage of interactions with the customer, and customer success, which we often hear about in the post-sales process. Imagine that you are going to have a party at home with your friends at the weekend. But you realize that
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Why Does Personalised Customer Experience Matter?

Today we are going to talk about one of the most prominent areas of today’s experience world: Personalized customer experience. Imagine, you need a product or service, and as a result of your research, you enter a website or an application and you feel as if they know you very well. Products that are in
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The Evolution of CX from Past to Present

The Evolution of CX from Past to Present Customer Experience (CX) has changed step by step from past to present, both conceptually and in terms of the feedback channels used for customer experience management, and with the development of technology (especially with the developments in the field of artificial intelligence) and also with the formation
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Do you know your company’s CX maturity level?

Determine your business’s CX maturity level with the four-level approach. The importance of customer experience is emphasized at every level of the business, from senior management presentations to department meetings. While your business expresses that it attaches importance to customer experience at every opportunity, your goal is to provide a seamless experience with employees who
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Guide: How to Calculate Return on Investment in Customer Experience?

Customer experience has been among the hottest topics in boardrooms in recent years. C-level managers, especially CXO and CMO, create investment plans to ensure customer-oriented growth. Managers responsible for the customer experience (CX) program need to convince the CEO and CFO about the return on investment (ROI) in order to receive a budget. Although many
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Case Study: Flormar – Breaking Records with NPS Score and Flawless Customer Experience

Flormar caters to its customers’ cosmetic needs with its 136 stores spread across all corners of Turkey. The beauty experts in its stores aim to provide customers with the most suitable products through free makeup applications. Commencing its Customer Experience measurement and management project with Wiseback in 2019, Flormar achieved its all-time best NPS results
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What should be considered when designing an experience survey?

Brands must listen to and understand their customers on the path to delivering flawless customer experiences. Experience surveys stand at the forefront of methods used to measure customer experience. Experience surveys serve as the entry point to gauge and work towards providing an impeccable experience for users of a product or service. Businesses utilizing the
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How to increase customer feedbacks?

You can only get comments that will add value to your business by collecting customer feedbacks. You can get critical information from your customers to help you improve your product or service. Many studies show that customers are not willing to leave feedback. Customers need motivation to leave feedback. How can you motivate your customers?
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Have you measured your NPS (Net Promoter Score ®)?

Almost all of the companies on the Fortune 500 list actively use NPS® (Net Promoter Score). NPS is a measurement method that can shed light on the future of your business. This method was developed by Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company and Satmetrix Systems. NPS® is considered the customer loyalty metric. The system was introduced
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Customer feedback is more important than ever

Is customer feedback important to you? Customers who step into your store and users who visit your website have a different customer experience at every point they touch your brand. As a result of the sum of all the experiences your customer has with your brand, a story is created that will tell others about
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